This semester I took a class called CBRD, which stands for Client-based Rapid Development. Looking back at the semester I gotta say I learned way more than I expected. It was taught by Casey Hunt (one of the
Three Legged Legs) and I REALLY hope they make it a required class for incoming sophomores at Otis. I say this because it focuses not only on how to quickly and effectively produce your ideas but how to properly pitch your ideas to a client. We had around 2-3 weeks for each project, starting from a brief from the client to our own fully realized illustration.
At the end of the semester we assembled our final illustrations and ALL of our process work into a complete pitch PDF to present.
For the whole semester we worked with a mock-up cybernetic western film.
Here's my character design for the hero of the film. His name is Pancho. :)

and here is my environment with some texture references. This is Pancho's compound! equipped with a solar power generator, radar defense towers, a noble steed and big turrets!

I'll be posting more stuff soon!!